Hey Pa, Like This?

Forney, Texas

"Doug, would you please look at what our son has done? You know how much he wants to follow in your footsteps as a taxidermist, and he's been working all day on this mountain lion."

"Pa, Ive been working all day on this mountain lion! Come look!"

"Oh my, Son, the eyes are..."

"I know, Pa, it took me forever to get them just right!"


"Doug, say something. He worked real hard on this."

"I worked real hard on this, Pa! Mom says I have a gift."

"Well Son, do you have any other gifts? I remember you used to play that kazoo real nice..."

"Oh I also like to hunt, Pa! Come closer to my mountain lion, you can barely see where I stitched him up, after I shot him about five times in the neck! You can barely see it!"

"Son I can see it from here. Shelia, you told him he had a gift?"

"No, I told him he should give it to that Johnson girl as a gift."

"But we hate that Johnson girl."


"Don't worry, Pa! I've made lots and lots of them!"
"Don't worry, Pa! I've made lots and lots of them!"

I came across these special, special, works of art at an antique store in Forney, Texas. I imagined how it might have come to be, and then years later, I think I might have found the work of his long lost (equally gifted) sister at the International Mountain Museum in Nepal:

A Taxidermy Highlight

Winner of the "Office Depot Eye Challenge," the level of realism achieved here is astounding.
Winner of the "Office Depot Eye Challenge," the level of realism achieved here is astounding.


Read more about killing animals HERE.

Or more about Nepal HERE!